Tuesday, May 17, 2016


How do I remove the message "get Windows 10"?
We will not consider the question-how to simply hide the tray label "get Windows 10", simply remove the icon buy windows 10 product key from the tray-does not delete Microsoft bother you, and a message asking dozens of still remain in the system.

Set the task to remove the "ANIMAL" that is causing the inscriptions with a proposal to get Windows 10.

Investigation revealed that the cause of the new icon in the system tray and message with an offer to get Windows 10 is installing an update from Microsoft-KV3035583. Thus, it is enough to remove this update to remove the inscription about getting Windows 10 pro product key.

Thus, this problem is absent from Windows users who have disabled automatically installing Windows updates. Best settings for updates in Windows Update-"search for updates, but the decision about downloading and installing was adopted me."

The procedure for removal of posts about Windows 10:

1. Open the "programs and features" (e.g. via Control Panel), left click on the phrase "view installed updates":

2. In the list that appears, find the string "update for Microsoft Windows (KB3035583)" and remove this update:

Attention! If the "installed updates" very much time, and search them by hand is difficult, use search-in the upper right corner of the need to write "KB3035583" (without the quotes!), and all the extra rows will disappear, leaving only the desired windows 10 activation key stitch-"update for Microsoft Windows (KB3035583).

Removes the update KB3035583 runs with a double click on a line or click on "remove".

3. The operating system as you normally would for the first time and you will not believe the validity of your cruel intentions:

4. Then still uninstalls:

5. To restart the computer to remove it was made completely:

As a result of these actions, click the get Windows 10 "from the tray was gone, and the computer seems to be working and became less brake (subjective personal score).

This method was used on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

How to prevent Windows Update installation KB3035583?

6. To ensure that in future accidentally install it again nasty update-KB3035583 to make it into the "black list". Open Windows Update and found this update to the list of recommended:
In the right part of the window displays the type that the detailed information about this update. Actually, this information has not detailed, and very brief. Why Microsoft'u not write honestly that this windows 10 update adds system tray icon with Windows offer 10!

7. Right click on the row update KB3035583, and on the shortcut menu, click on the "hide update":

8. If in Windows Update, go to the section "restore hidden updates":

In this section, you can restore it, then install, but do not do it!

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